Bharat ek khoj on hindustan
Bharat ek khoj on hindustan

bharat ek khoj on hindustan

A festival is a symbol of a prosperous society and a rich culture it signifies growth and development. These actions are nothing but the manifestations of our rich cultural heritage. Such insight and farsightedness in thought and actions have been the hallmark of the Indian history. These acts lead us to the attainment of the ultimate elation, where the body is in the pink of health and the mind is in the depths of joy. It symbolizes purity of mind and clarity of thoughts before one goes to pray and celebrate an event of importance. Not only it is hygienic but the symbolic significance of the festival is enhanced many times by this act of cleaning. In an Indian household, the cleaning up of the house is the first step towards the celebration of an approaching festival. It has been proved that Sanskrit and European languages do not have a common origin and that there is significant resemblance between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages, much more than between Sanskrit and European languages. Resulting philological resemblances prompted Sir William Jones to theorize the IE, that Sanskrit and European languages have a common origin. Because of long cohabitation between Sanskrit-speaking Aryans and Europeans, as the result of Indian colonization, Sanskrit influenced several European languages, particularly Greek and Latin. It was their return to, not invasion of India. The returning Aryans were mistaken as invaders because they were traveling in armored horsedriven chariots. When in trouble in about 1500 BC, some of them attempted to return to India, the land of their ancestors. Even Greece was colonized by the Indo-Aryans. for trade, and had established their Vedic kingdoms in several countries. With abundant historical irrefutable evidence, it has been established that the alleged invading Aryans were originally from Aryavarta (India) who had gone overseas earlier than 1800 B.C. The Dravidian Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam are the native languages of India, not Sanskrit. Aryans brought Sanskrit and composed the Vedas.

bharat ek khoj on hindustan

and got settled in North and forcibly pushed dark-skinned Dravidians to South.

bharat ek khoj on hindustan

According to the AII, Aryans invaded India in about 1500 B.C. Both the theories AII and IE were mischievously engineered by the British, with their colonial and missionary agenda, guided by their world-known notorious policy, Divide and Rule. The divide between the North Indians and the South Indian Dravidians was created by the two British-initiated theories of the Aryan invasion of India (AII) and the Indo-European family of languages (IE). I have also tried to put on some contradictory burning issues which we are facing in India today. with those in the recorded history of Indian Epics. I tried to make comparision of the current science, cosmology, Mathematics etc. Also the scientific evidence of various traditions and validity of these in the modern world has been weighed. This shall be useful for the quick references to traditions & ideals of Indians and the significance of Hinduism in the current world. Indeed this book is intended for young and old. I am referring to pre British India and Indian traditions, which were spread from Afghanistan in north to Sri Lanka in south and towards extreme eastern part of the world. Yes OLD is GOLD but does the Gold have any valid significance in current world?In this book I tried to search one such an India which is lost for long time. "Meri Khoj Ek Bharat ki", is my research about a forgotten India.

Bharat ek khoj on hindustan